Harno & Sinta

To Mr/Mrs/Ms :

Tamu Undangan

The Wedding Of

Harno & Sinta

August 31st, 2024

”Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people’s sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.”

( Corinthians 13 : 4-7 )



Bride & Groom

We found our forever in each other and invite you to witness the beginning of our eternal togetherness

By the grace and blessing of God, we cordially request the honor of your presence at the wedding celebration of :

Harno Rene Dijkmans

The first child of
Mr. Jacobus Dijkmans
& The late Mrs. Geke Dijkmans

Sinta Puji Rahayu

The fourth child of
The late Mr. Fransiskus Xaverius Among Suroyo
& The late Mrs. Suzana Nanik Sutarni

Wedding Event

Saturday, August 31st, 2024.


Saturday, August 31st, 2024

Time 14.00-15.30

Commissaris de Vos
van Steenwijklaan 30,
7942 XK Meppel

Dresscode :


Dresscode :



Saturday, August 31st, 2024

Time 17.30 - 22.45

Wijkvereniging Oosterboer
Brandemaat 5,
7943 EZ Meppel

Dresscode :

Live Streaming

For those who are unable to attend in person especially family and friends in Indonesia, we invite you to join us virtually by following the live stream through the link provided below :

Saturday, August 31st, 2024
Time : 19.00 WIB

Love Story

First contact

We met on a dating application in January 2019. We then became friends on WhatsApp, at that time language was the toughest challenge, but we learned and found many ways to communicate.


We met for real in October 2021, sinta came for a holiday in the Netherlands. It didn't take long for Harno to tell Sinta how he felt, and finally we decided to have a relationship.


As if the universe supported us in January 2022 Sinta also got a job in the Netherlands in a location close to where Harno lived. We often meet and spend time together, on holiday to several new places. Relationships are not always easy, but we work together for it, sometimes we fight each other but then forgive each other. After going through the ups and downs, we decided it seemed like it would be best for us to commit to being together forever. We are engaged in May 2024.


Please kindly help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance to our wedding event before August , 21st 2024 with the following RSVP form:

Wedding Gift

"Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift of all. We understand that some of you might want to send us a greeting or gift, so please tap the following buttons to send them to us"
Account Number :
NL21 RABO 0367585251
An. H.R. Dijkmans eo S.P. Rahayu
Copy Account Number
Account Number : 0338594749

Your Wish

Love brings us together, and we would be honored to have your presence and blessing at our wedding. See You on Our Big Day


Harno & Sinta

Made With Love By

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